This should be your format:
ROM ALERT: (name) (version)
Source: (hyperlink to original thread on XDA)
(list features)
Known Problems
(any problems users should be aware of)
Compatible Themes #[only until theme alerts start]
(names of themes)
Compatible Kernels #[only until kernel alerts start]
(names of kernels)
Basically, copy and pasting will do the trick.
Last of all, have fun! I really do hope this will help notify people of ROMs quicker than having to check a bunch of sites and then come to AndroidCentral.
If you do not have a positive date on the release, DO NOT POST. This will clutter up the ROMs/Hacks section and it will not look good.
If this system works, then we can change up some of the instructions later.
UPDATE (10/7): I cannot post every single ROM in a ROM alert since there are so many. Unless your forum is brand new, you will only see the most recently updated ROMs.
caliskimmer, moderator
Special thanks to ragnarokx for the format update!