When I saw Joe's initial episode I remembered going away with rather positive feelings about him. He did lose a considerable amount of weight and, although I am not a total fan of finding one's soul mate on the internet, I was genuinely happy that he had found love. I even admired how he said at his highest weight was that he refused to have anyone bathe him, unlike so many subjects on this show. I was also glad to see that he had a loving, supportive mother who he seemed to adore.

Until last night.

Both he and his girlfriend/fiance/wife Sarah seemed to live in the delusional land of entitlement. I totally get that many couples desire a dream wedding, but people in their thirties (or were they older), especially with a child to support, should entertain the concept of delayed gratification. Since, from what I've read here, their GoFundMe campaigns went bust, they had to have spent money on the wedding that could have been put to better use, like getting their own place to live. As many here have speculated, they probably hit up Sarah's mom for a huge chunk of the wedding expenses. Very interesting that she apparently did NOT want to appear on camera for this shit show.

When you live under someone else's roof on their dime, you need to be real humble and neither one of them seemed capable of that.

Of course the worst was Joe's treatment of his mother when she said she needed help getting to the wedding. Someone on the Live Chat said that Joe didn't seem able to pick up on social cues, that his mother was hoping for him to offer to help her make the trip. His nonchalant, "Well, I hope you can make it" was beyond creepy. My thinking is that he really did understand what she was implying and that this was some kind of weird, cruel passive-aggressive shit on his part. Maybe he disapproves of her boyfriend? No explanation about how she made it to the wedding, but the way he spoke to her indicated that he had nothing to do with it.

I don't have a Facebook account but I would love to be a fly on their Facebook Wall and read the reactions of those who got to see the "real" Joe.

And don't feel neglected Pauline 'cause I got a boatload of shit to say about you later.
